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I am not in favor of junk science, junk legal procedure or, junk of any type, however, emotion and hysteria driving intelligent thought out of the debate over performance enhancement in sports. new burberry sunglasses , burberry mens shirts on sale , Yet these are the central components of our national anti-doping policy.
All of them are featured in the latest doping "scandal," the case of New York Yankee slugger Alex Rodriguez. Baseball is big business, so the way it handles this particular incident is worth examining -- particularly against the backdrop of the Barry Bonds steroids trial, which is set to get underway soon in San Francisco. In 2003, A-Rod was tested for doping along with every other major league ballplayer.
The idea was to provide baseball with the basic data it needed to craft an anti-doping policy -- indeed, to determine if it needed a policy. burberry mens sunglasses , To secure their cooperation, the players were promised that the testing would be anonymous, the results not individually compiled, and the samples promptly destroyed. Instead, the players union hung on to identifying documentation long enough for it to be subpoenaed by the feds. In due course A-Rod's anonymity was breached and his results leaked to the press.