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The fly rod, the symbol of the sport of fly fishing. A fly rod transfers energy and control from the fisherman through the line to the fly. In order for the proper energy and control to be maintained you must use the proper fly rod for your type of fishing.
Fly rods are rated according to the fly line they will cast and must be properly matched to the fly line and leader for optimal performance and casting. burberry ties cheap ,
The graphite fly rod will be our rod material of choice for bass fishing.
All fly rods are rated according to their line weight go from 1wt to 15 wt. In fly fishing we are casting the fly line. The byproduct is the fly at the end of our leader being laid out onto the water. The larger the number the heaver the line weight is. Fly lines are measured in grain weight.
A fly rods specifications are usually indicated on the fly rod. 9 foot 3 ? oz 6wt. So the fly rod is 9 foot long, weighs 3 ? oz and is rated to cast a 6wt line.
When looking at fly rods I categorize them like this: Weights 1, 13, 14 and 15 are specialized rods. 2, 3, 4 and 5 weights are light and medium trout rods. mens burberry polo shirts , Weights 6 and 7 are medium bass and heavier trout rods. burberry ties discount , Weights 8 and 9 for medium and heavy rivers, large trout, bass and steelhead etc. Weights 9 and 10 for heavy lakes, rivers, canals, muskie, pike etc. Weights 9, 10, 11 and 12, tidal rivers, bays and surf, stripped bass, bluefish, channel bass, drum, shad, weakfish etc.