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Many bodybuilders find their calf training arduous, frustrating and unproductive. cheapest designer sunglasses , ? These bodybuilders achieve better results in training their thighs, pectorals, lats, delts and arms. ?As a result, their calf development often suffers. ? However, it doesn't have to suffer. ?
If you train at a well-equipped gym, then they will usually have a standing calf and donkey calf raise machine. ? Most bodybuilders use these two machines to train their calves. carrera mens sunglasses , ? Some will even use the leg press for the toe press exercise for their calves. ? While some bodybuilders will use the seated calf machine occasionally, most of their calf work is done on the standing calf, donkey calf, or toe press exercises. ? This is why calf development is lacking on most bodybuilders. ? Too much emphasis is placed on the standing calf, donkey calf or toe press exercises and not enough emphasis on the seated calf raise exercise. ?
The calf muscle group is made up of two muscles: the Gastrocnemius and the Soleus. ? The Gastrocnemius is exercised and stimulated best when the leg is straight. ? Therefore, you should train the Gastrocnemius on the standing calf raise, donkey calf raise and toe press on the leg press machines. ? However, the Soleus is best trained and stimulated when the leg is bent and should be trained on the seated calf raise machine. carrera sunglasses for women , ? The Soleus is the larger of the two muscles at 60% of the total calf mass. ?