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The annual Coat Drive promoted by Dorothy Handy for Project Just Because, was well-received by USMMA members and visitors alike who donated a total of 98 coats. ? Project Just Because is a local charity (projectjustbecause. Equipacion Real Madrid Niños , org) that ensures that all of the coats collected are given to families in need. ? Personal requests from families in need throughout the area are made directly to Project Just Because and fulfilled. camiseta del real madrid 2011 ,
According to Ms. Handy, “The generosity of the community in which you have created just amazes me. ? This helped us surpass our goal significantly. ? We collected 170 more coats this year overall. ?? In these very challenging economic times, our capacity to help the less fortunate is a gift, as it truly is better to give than to receive. ”
“We wish to thank all the donors, volunteers and businesses who helped make a difference. camiseta manga larga real madrid , When people drop a coat or warm item into a box or bin, they sometimes wonder where it goes. 10 years ago, I started Project Just Because. ? In 2007 our auditors’ report has $4 million dollars worth of items we gave out to families in need. Our concept remains the same - to help as many men, women and children directly. ? If you donate a warm coat or pair of boots, it goes right into our bins and coat racks and the very next person who e-mails or calls for a warm coat in the size you donated receives a warm coat because you took the time and directly make a difference. ? I thank you from the bottom of my heart because without each of you opening your heart and helping, we would not be able to help as many as we do,” Cherylann Lambert Walsh,?President, Project Just Because. ??