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The present article is fruit of a reflection that did when it was elaborating my work of conclusion of course (WCC) on the concept of public policy. In the bibliographic references on this subject find always authors that argue that only the State can elaborate Public Policy, but forget that it does the "State" exist are citizen common that contribute with taxes, and those want to know like his money is being used stop benefit it common.
To help in the reflection the theoretical references that help to analysis the idea debated in this article, will be authors that argue the concept of Public Policy such as MEKSENAS (2002), FERNANDES (2007), SOUZA (2006) between others that go to help to understand on the concept of public politics, and his relation with the daily of each one of the citizens.
The concept of Public Politics is argued in all the areas of the knowledge, however is in the field of the Political Science that this wins a big highlight in the theoretical discussions like sample SOUZA (2006 p. 45) in his article "Políticas Públicas uma revis?o da literatura", shows a general vision of as the publishes policy is view by the academy; first like a balance in the budget between ?prescription and expenditure, as a new vision of the state where leaves to be a policy kenynesiana, to be a policy restrictive to the expenses, and third is the relation that exists between the countries developed and those that initiated his walked democratic recently, of a particular way the countries of Latin America that still do not achieve to administer well his public resources and? to set out the goods in profit of his population, of way include the excluded.
SOUZA (2006) says that the public politics in his essence are connected strongly to the State this that determines like the resources are used stop benefit it of his citizens, where does a synthesis of the main theoretical that work the subject of the public politics related to the institutions that give to finish order, of as the money under form of taxes has to be accumulated and of how this has to be reversed, and in the end prada sunglasses on sale do provision of public account of the money spend in favour of the society.
With a more next vision of SOUZA (2006), FERNANDES (2007) in his article "Políticas Públicas: Defini??o, evolu??o e o caso brasileiro na política social" defends the idea that the public politics manifest through two dimensions that complement between himself that is the technical official and the political appearance as it can be observed in the citation to continuation.
"... costuma-se pensar o campo das políticas públicas unicamente caracterizado police sunglasses como administrativo ou técnico, e assim livre, portanto do aspecto ‘político' propriamente dito, que é mais evidenciado na atividade partidária eleitoral. Este é uma meia verdade, dado que apesar de se tratar de uma área técnico-administrativa, a esfera das políticas públicas também possui uma dimens?o política uma vez que está relacionado ao processo decisório". (cf. designer sunglasses for sale FERNANDES 2007 p. 203)
FERNANDES strongly influenced by LOWI (1972) that before reversing public money in a determined sector that can be of the health or of the education the State before taking this decision goes through three categories which are the regulatory, distributive and redistributive.
Already VERZA (2000) does a different discussion on public policy, because the direction that society is taking post-Mordern is inevitable. Globalization is a phenomenon that is prevailing in the world is a path that has no back, but the way that manifests itself is exclusive and generates various types of violence and today the greatest challenge of globalization is creating a policy of general human solidarity.

