I have recently had a TCA Peel, here I will tell you what a TCA Peel is and you can read all about my experience. Firstly I would imagine you are wondering what a TCA Peel is. TCA stands for Tricholoracetic acid and can be used for superficial peels or deeper peels depending on the concentration. The goal is to eliminate the surface layers known as the epidermis of dead skin, or go to the deeper layers, to the level known as the papillary dermis. At this level more care needs to be taken since the risk of scarring increases.
"Pigmentation Before and After Skin Peel"
The peel is used in spot treatments for acne scarring, or to the whole face for people with extensive sun damage and to reducxe the appearance of pigmentation. TCA comes in polo t shirts for men concentrations of 5% to 50% for use as a peel - the higher the concentration of the TCA, the deeper the peel, and the higher the risk of scarring.
After the deeper level TCA peels, your skin will initially appear frosty white, and then it will turn a deep red before turning dark brown about three days later and then peeling cheap polo off over the next few days. Within one week to ten days, new skin that is fresh and radiant will appear.
A strong peel, for example a 40% TCA peel, can go deeper into the dermis and cause enough inflammation to set up a wound healing response that can stimulate collagen formation. It's important to understand that they aren't called chemical peels for nothing. The point of a chemical peel is to get the skin to peel and then heal with new, fresher and healthier skin. If you are having superficial peels there may just be some light flaking after the peel but if it's a deeper peel such as a TCA peel, your skin will get very red and there will be significant peeling for a week. You have to avoid the sun after any peel because you can develop dark pigmentation if the skin is exposed to the sun while it's healing.
Having taken this into consideration I was keen to try a TCA peel to find out if I could achieve younger, fresher skin. Here is a diary of the days after my peel:
Monday : During the application my skin feels very hot as the TCA (Carole used skintech TCA 15%) is polo shirts for sale being applied, this is more bearable as a fan is used to blow cooling air over my face. After a couple of minutes as frosting starts to appear Carole applies neutraliser and the stinging hotness gradually abates. My skin feels slightly hot and a little red but other than that I feel fine.